Constitution of the Universe for the Expression of Human Greatness.

Ijigban Daniel Oketa GCON
5 min readJun 21, 2022

The universe is the most organized entity; even more than the most perfect machine, organization or human being. It has a constitution upon which all other laws or principles are built or on the basis through which all other laws are made

A constitution is a body of fundamental principles or laws governing an organized entity, with privileges, rights and ordinances that are practicable.

For example, there is a Nigerian Constitution and all other laws (of the State or National Assembly) are made in tandem with or based on the provisions of the Constitution.

Interestingly, the universe is the most organized entity; even more than the most perfect machine, organization or human being. It has a constitution upon which all other laws or principles are built or on the basis through which all other laws are made.

Naturally, like any ‘good’ constitution, the constitution of the universe is supreme and applicable to everyone ‘equally or in the same way’ irrespective of gender, location, religion, profession etc; it is not manmade.

The fundamental principle of the constitution of the universe is supreme and founded on time: the only universal resource that is equally distributed to everyone at 24hours- a day; it is most important element in creative unity; it is a system upon which all other systems and human activities and successes are built; it is the underlying factor for the creation of knowledge, relationship and other resources. This is such that whatever is not tied to time (minutes, an hour or hours, days or week, months or years) will lose its effectiveness and may even become null and void. Time gives validity or legality to things or systems. Time is the principal system of the universe. That is why systems (of education, governments, work, wages and salary, medicine etc) are all tied to time.

The creation of knowledge — wealth and success: the role and functions of humans; the nature, status and rights of humans are all tied to time (day by day or at 24hours per day). Hence note the followings subsections of the constitution of the universe:


a. The world (the universe or planet) is the only place made for humans to succeed or create wealth. Humans cannot create wealth except on earth. It is a home of life and time.

b. Everything in the world is originally designed to help humans to succeed or express greatness.

c. The earth should be made the heaven of humans by humans for peace and prosperity.


a. Humans are equal- irrespective of gender, race etc even if their professions defer.

b. Human beings are co-leaders of our sacred planet with right to life, knowledge and success over all things as well as to overcome all kinds of evil.


a. The main role of humans on earth is one and the same; that is to be administrators of the universe or earth as co-leaders (that is: universal leadership authority).

b. The leadership duty or responsibility of humans, although allocated by default, should be exercised according to set down rules of the universe on time as a prerequisite of success in all fields of life endeavour (to lead a better life) and to make the world a better place.


a. Humans are spiritual and religious and they will always need higher Knowledge or spiritual and religious practice to succeed better or overcome evil.

b. Naturally humans are insatiable and greedy: this normally results to evil (un-forgiveness, stealing, deceit, lying, killing one another etc)

c. By exercising their universal leadership according to the standard or principle of time innovation day-by-day, they can cut down greed to the barest minimum.

Since the universe is a system and filled with principles and laws, humans succeed would better or live better based on how they operate the universe with knowledge or understanding of how the universe works (fundamentally on time).

H-TIPS is the fundamental principle of the universal law of life and time innovation to personal development and to make humans succeed better while creating sustainable solutions and making better laws to make the world a better place.

The major problem of the world- for many people (rich or poor) is that they are highly vulnerable irrespective of good their intentions because of the their lack of the knowledge of how to exercise their universal leadership authority with the law of life and time innovation designed as H-TIPS. Once they do, the world will become a better place. Humans will no long just have great good intentions; they will reap the result of their good works quickly day by day or without delay. They will create and establish better sustainable solutions and the world will be renewed from all the ongoing crises threatening humanity.

Start using H-TIPS today; it is for your own good and the good of the world. It means you are joining forces as a special agent to make the world a better place.

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