Keep it Simple Confidently: The Journey to Stardom

Ijigban Daniel Oketa GCON
6 min readMar 31, 2024

In a world that often glorifies complexity and grandiosity, there’s a powerful approach that champions simplicity and confidence as the keys to success. It’s called “Keep it Simple Confidently” (KISC) — a mindset that emphasizes the importance of starting small and growing big. In this article, we’ll explore the principles behind KISC and how it can revolutionize the way you approach your goals and aspirations.

The KISC Approach

At the heart of the KISC approach lies the belief that simplicity and confidence are the twin pillars of achievement. Instead of getting bogged down by complexity and overthinking, KISC encourages individuals to strip away the unnecessary and focus on what truly matters. By creating the smallest version of your idea or solution and presenting it confidently to the world, you lay the foundation for future success.

Benefits of Keeping it Simple

By adopting the KISC mindset, you stand to gain several benefits. Firstly, reducing complexity and overwhelm allows you to focus your energy and resources more effectively. This leads to faster implementation and iteration, as you’re able to make decisions with greater clarity and precision. Additionally, starting small enables you to test your ideas in the real world and gather feedback early on, setting the stage for future growth.

Remember Louise Hay?

Louise Hay was an American Motivation Speaker, Author and AIDS Advocate who sold over 40 million of her books around the world. And I believe she Keep It Simple Confidently. This is what she has to say in an interview.

“When I first started in my first little book that I wrote; I didn’t even know I was writing a book. I had no idea that this was going to happen and it didn’t mean anything to me and I didn’t do know. I was some kind of fluke and many things on my spiritual pathway have been flukes. It’s like life just brings in this little incident and I think oh okay- I’ll do that I remember when I was first learning the stuff. I went to a lecture quite by a fluke. A friend of mine invited me saying I’ve heard that there’s a very good lecture it’s such in such a place but I don’t want to go by myself; would you go with me? And I said okay! So I went there to meet him but he did not show up. There I was. Then I heard someone say if you’re willing to change your thinking you can change your life. Ooh really! But the thing was to learn how to do that. And that little penny dropping was a big deal. So I began my studies and I studied this and I studied that. Among all the other things I was learning; I was learning and things about how your thoughts influence your health and how disease is could have a thought pattern behind them that contributes to the problem you’re having. And so I made a list of them because I was starting to work with some people at that time and I wanted to be able to find an easily. So I alphabetized the list and I showed it to a friend of mine and she said oh want a wonderful idea why don’t you make a pamphlet out of it. And I went home so I looked at it again and what I did was I put two paragraphs in the front of the list and two paragraphs at the back of the list and I printed up a little pamphlet and there I had book number one but I didn’t know it. And I remember going to my teacher and proudly showing him this new booklet and he said. Ooh that’s sweet- how many did you have made -50? And I said noo! 5000! I knew the bill for 5000 was not really a bad price at all and the more you print the cheaper- you know. Then he looked and said you are crazy- you’ll never sell this thing. But two years later, I had sold the last of the 5,000 and life just took care of it. From the moment I set my foot on the spiritual pathway; life is taken care of me and said you will do this; you will do this. she will do this step by step and I never thought about -oh I’m going to make money or how can I get rich on this or anything. My thoughts have always been how can I help the people?. But a lot of people didn’t pick up the book because they didn’t understand the title. So when I saw the 5,000copies, I immediately re-titled it and added more things to it and that little book is grown forever. And the second book that I wrote that was several years later- I was doing workshops at the time and I had about 350 people on weekend workshops and I did it all myself I didn’t know all the time I could have help. And since people were understanding the principles I was teaching and if they would practice them they would have good things like positive changes in their lives; so I thought to myself if I could put this on paper- I could help more people — I know I could. So I took 6 months. I did a gamble and I took 6 months off to make this workshop into a book and I did not have a clue what I was doing! Not a clue. But I didn’t know one thing that I would not take it to a publisher or the big boys as I call them because I figured they wouldn’t let me say what I wanted to say and I wanted to say this exactly as I wanted to say it. Though I wrote the book it took me six months and I printed it once again. When life calls us that’s when we have to answer. People say how did you do everything that you did? Well I answer the telephone and open the mail and did what was in front of me. And then life would give me something else to do and something else to do. And it’s interesting because it’s now been I think 25 years since I wrote the second book. You can hear your life and in that period of time; that book alone has sold 40 million copies worldwide. And I feel; I’ve always felt that I didn’t do anything to promote it at all. Life took over it’s gone many, many places all of the world. You never know where life is going to take your work and I think that it’s important that you don’t go into it to say how much money can I make? I’m going to be rich; I’ve got to do this or that because books don’t make you that rich but what they do is open the world to you. And my thought has always been how can I help the people; how can I help people?”

Building Upon Success:

One of the key tenets of KISC is the idea of building upon success. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment or conditions, KISC encourages you to take action and learn from your experiences along the way. By celebrating small wins and milestones, you gain momentum and confidence to tackle bigger challenges. This iterative approach to growth ensures that you’re constantly evolving and improving, paving the way for long-term success.

Overcoming Challenges:

Of course, the journey of KISC is not without its challenges. Doubts, fears, and setbacks are inevitable — but they’re also opportunities for growth. By maintaining confidence in the face of adversity, you develop resilience and tenacity that will serve you well on your path to success. Remember, every setback is a chance to learn and grow stronger.

Practical Tips and Strategies:

To implement the KISC approach in your own life, consider the following practical tips and strategies:

1. Create a small or concise version of your idea or solution.

2. Simplify complex ideas or projects by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

3. Build confidence through positive self-talk, visualization, and affirmations.

4. Start with a low price point or minimal investment to test the waters and gather feedback.

5. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and advisors who can offer guidance and encouragement.


In a world of endless distractions and complexities, the KISC approach offers a refreshing antidote. By keeping it simple confidently, you can unlock your full potential and achieve your goals with clarity, focus, and determination. So the next time you’re faced with a daunting challenge or opportunity, remember the power of KISC — and watch as your dreams take flight.

