The Groundbreaking Discovery that Can Transform Humans and the World

Ijigban Daniel Oketa GCON
10 min readFeb 16, 2023

‘This is what the world is waiting for. And it takes the brave to adopt it.

This is not a technology but it can be aided with technology, including the internet, mobile phones etc.

Here is a secret and system that took me at least fifteen years to discovery. I have tested its efficacy and can put my life on the line for it because it works perfectly and it is very simple to implement but it has huge advantages.

It is for everyone who is looking to change or transform the world. It is a secret of time innovation that I call “Human and Time Innovation Power System” and the “Human Greatness and Power Code.”

It helps humans to become better, powerful and safer; to create a definite future and to take total control of their lives in order to create sustainable solutions and to rid the world of malevolence and destruction of all kinds; including but not limited to global warming or climate change.

How It Started.

When I was eighteen years of age, I started observing so much and asking so many questions like why there is a high level of human depravity and why things keep getting worse for humanity even in the midst of the abundance in the universe.

I asked why evil prospers or prevails against good people and why they are killed violently or cut short against their wish, many of them in their prime.

I asked why there are so many injustices, bias, inequality and prejudice upon the earth.

I went to the university but could not get the right answers. It was at that point that I started looking closely ‘inward’ at how the universe works and what was missing.

Then like a silent breeze in the cool of the night, my eyes of understanding were opened to the fact that humans are missing a universal principle of life and success, by which even a four year old should know.

And as long as they continue to miss it or ignore and violate it, they will remain destructive against self and the world will continue to be turbulent.

But once they adopt it, everything will change for good and the world will be renewed into a state of a new world.

How does it Work?

Just as the name, the system takes into account two major elements of the universe; time and ‘human’ energy.

It is the effective combination of human energy at a universal designated time of the day that can transform humanity at the speed of light.

This is a novel idea and it can only be attested to upon use and most importantly it is free.

The truth is that I have come to discover that the solution that will save humanity and the world should be free and may not be traded for money before it can be put to use.

Kindly not the following in respect to the elements of our new found system.

1. Time: The earth is a perfect system of time. The mastery of time is the foundation of growth, progress and ‘sustainable’ success. There is a right time for everything allocated in nature or by humans. The right time is not just any time but the time when the right thing should be done to get the right results. It is better to know and follow up with the right timing of nature and as well as to allocate time personally or collectively for everything. For example, we cannot shorten or extend our day from 24hours and we cannot change the time of human childbirth from nine months but we may master the time to our benefit or to get better results.

2. Energy; the universe is full of energy. The earth and everything in it are powered by energy especially, human ‘inherent’ energy (the spoken word). The human spoken word is not only energetic, it is creatively powerful and magnetic; it is spiritual. This can be verified naturally and scientifically. Hence the spoken world is mainly used to move people, things and the world around. You are where you are because someone spoke it (called you) or because you spoke it and then moved; maybe in agreement with other people.

3. Unity; the effective unification of energy (human spoken words) in a regenerative manner at a universally designated ‘leadership’ time or hour of the day is the foundation of human transformation and a better world full of justice and equity. It is the new innovation of technology of life and the secret of cultural and spiritual transformation of humanity; who in turn shall establish the transformation of the world and peaceful prosperity with higher knowledge of self and the universe. Nothing is as powerful as the unity of humans in one action, mind and purpose and therein lies the power of divinity, especially with this system.

Furthermore, the designated time is the most important time by which the universe wishes to hear from humans and it is when humans are mandated to speak (in their favour).

The hour is the beginning of an invisible darkness that requires light (energy) in the form of spoken words to be removed. This ‘invisible’ darkness represents ignorance which is the foundation of self destruction.

Though this is the design by the Creator of the world; it is a ‘positive’ challenge for humans to surmount (daily) for their own good and to take leadership charge of the earth and their lives; by which they can stop evil and create a definite future while taking full or total control of their lives.

How to use the System

The universal leadership hour is twelve noon (everyday). In simple terms (Principle and practice), we all as humans and co leaders of our sacred planet are mandated to invest our most inherent creative energy (spoken words) in a regenerative manner (in our favour and in favour of the earth) at the designated time of 12noon every day. From the age of four years, a child should be taught how to use this secret.

Just as life is lived per day; using the code is a daily function and routine. It is greater and powerful than any technology or solution you may think of.

It is the most powerful service to humanity and the earth. Being silent or refusing to speak in a regenerative manner in your favour and in favour of the world purposely as the designated hour is a crime against yourself and humanity.

It has grave consequences. Can’t you see the world? Can’t you see that many are tired and even soon give up even with all the technology and diverse solutions? Things are not working for you and other good people as it should because you all are not using this secret for many years now.

Life is lived and the universe is operated by principles not emotions and this is one of the fundamental principles of life and success: thus speaking at the designated time of nature and then any time you want.

It is advisable to speak at the top of the hour for a powerful uniformity with other people in a city and around the world.

However if you can’t, since the hour is sacrosanct, make sure you say something in your favour within the hour whether you are on air, land or sea in the following manner and in any language:

1. I am getting better and better today.

2. All things shall work together for my good today.

3. I ask for and shall receive every insight and knowledge I need to succeed today.

4. I am exempted and I exempt myself from all kinds of evil or calamity that may happen today.

5. All things shall work together for the good of these people (…………. Give names).

6. Today all those planning to commit crimes ‘against humanity’ in this city or country (………………………) and in the world shall be exposed and prevented.

7. I pledge to be moral (to obey principles that do not only benefit me but other people and the world).

Any other thing you want to say in your favour and in favour of your loved ones and country is okay.

The above is very effective and powerful and should never be underrated any day and it takes you a few minutes to accomplish. It is a universal principle and it does not fail.

The universe will not reduce its standards just for anyone’s sake and more so her standards are for our good; whether or not, it is a challenge for us to surmount.

The spoken word is not just energetic, powerful and creative; it is more powerful, creative and magnetic when used at the right time designated by nature. Why don’t you start today because they are great benefits to it.

The Core Benefits

This looks really simple but it is the solution to all forms of human depravity, greed and corruption which is the foundation of the world’s leading problems; including global warming, excessive monetization of life and success, disunity, and conflicts etc.

This is because it can make humans safer and transforms the human mind and is a highly preventive mechanism against all harm. Everyone; rich or poor; young or old should partake in using this solution wherever they may be. There is no barrier of location, religion, etc.

This is what the world and humanity urgently needs; it will make the world better and make humans better, safer and more humane. It is the most unconventional practice humanity and the world needs right now.

Using the greatness and power code has many benefits directly or indirectly such as but not limited to the following:

1. Leadership mastery (Personally, organization and universally).

2. Creating a definite future and taking total control of your life daily.

3. Emotional intelligence and interpersonal power.

4. Universal service to humanity.

5. Grit and Mental prowess.

6. Universal personal safety (you will be safe secured against violence or harms; your main security system cannot be the walls around you or the machines).

7. National and global unity of humans (the power of divinity).

8. End global warming.

Very interestingly, using the code is a leadership responsibility and universal service to humanity; it makes the human mind receptive to, and flooded with knowledge and secrets of life and success; moral discipline, empathy, compassion, with little or no manifestation of greed.

With this solution and code being put to use, there will be no excessive monetization of life and success and the world will begin to experience a great moral civilization and transformation.

Every human being urgently needs this because the onus of making the world better rests on the shoulders of humans who should live and operate the universe the right way.

It connects and unites humanity for a higher expression of greatness and success. There are many more advantages in using the universal principles which can be revealed to those who begin to use it.

The plan and hope in this is to make humans better, safer and united so they can make the world a better place and full of justice for peaceful prosperity that should last for thousands of years (and may be called a New World). There are grave consequences of neglect as may be experienced already all over the world.


The consequences of not using this principle and code can be seen and felt everywhere already.

That is why good people are defenseless and the world is set on the fire of hell with destruction of all kinds with great immorality and corruption. That is why the world is getting into all kinds of crises without respite and there is a high level of human degeneration, depravity and corruption; which obviously cannot be solved with technology or machines except a system of service and behavioral change such as this.

Those who are not using this code are permitting all kinds of evil, and wickedness on earth right from where they are. And they may not escape it if they do not turn around on time.

If you are not using this code, do not complain that things are getting worse or wonder why there is a high level of depravity amongst humans because that is exactly what you chose by your inaction, ignorance and rejection.

It does not matter if you have good intentions or great passion. Even though this is revealed by God, you don’t need to believe in God to use it. Start using it and you may believe.

You can get the rest of the secret from the BOOK “Human Greatness and Power Code.”


It is unfortunate that those who are calling for bold and unconventional ideas to save humanity and the world have limited their minds to technology, which may be traded (bought and sold with money).

That is why this is yet to go viral because humans love conventional things, even in emergencies. If you are one of them, this should give you a change of mind. And it is interesting to note that:

1. The greatest solutions are usually simple and are usually free. Consider it, if we need to pay for breathing or for the oxygen that is freely donated by the trees, etc.

2. Any item or principle that should be paid for before it can be put to use cannot save humanity or the world.

3. Ignorance is not an excuse and should not be allowed in the matter of success. Ignorance is conspiracy, foolishness and wickedness against self and others.

Hence this code is the right solution. It is free and can be used by anyone without a fee irrespective of their locations, religion or race in unity of mind and purpose. This is what the world is waiting for.

And it takes the brave to adopt it; just as I and a few other people have done within the last ten years and we are safer and better; more humane and morally disposed to change the world.

How great if only ten to twenty percent of the world will get to know or use this system. A person can only dispute my claims about this great system if he has tested this for at least 40days to nine months without results; if not he may hold his peace.

I would like to hear from you; leave a comment or send me a message on mobile and whatapp @ +2347037384814.



Ijigban Daniel Oketa is an independent researcher working across several disciplines dedicated to human rights, leadership development and human philosophy. In his intellectual activities, he discovered the fundamental solution to human depravity and violation of human rights and dignity that characterize society and every nation. His engagements extend into mentoring people to lead a better life and to make the world better using his novel principle, H-TIPS in the greatness and power order. His work has impacted behavioral change in many people in Nigeria and around the world. He is advancing the “Human Greatness and Power Program” to empower millions of people worldwide with H-TIPS. Oketa has been using The Code for at least nine years and has transformed his life and the lives of those who have been impacted in Nigeria and around the world.

